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"Help ye One Another
unto righteousness and pious duty.
Help not one another unto sin and transgression"
- 5:2 QURAN

How the Community Benefitted

MTFA provides cash assistance given on a bi-monthly basis as well as Fidyah groceries voucher for selected families.

Our financial assistance funds are targeted for households who have a cut off Per Capita Income (PCI) of $400 and below. PCI is calculated by taking the total household income and dividing by the number of people living in the house. Total household income includes income of all family members living in the same household as the applicant.

Support Those in Need Today

  • How will I be informed of my application status?
    We will inform you of your application status via mail to your home address provided.
  • How long will my application be processed?
    All applications will be processed within 3 months upon receiving the completed application form and all required documents.
  • What is the criteria to apply for financial assistance?
    Our financial assistance funds are targeted for households who have a cut off Per Capita Income (PCI) of $400 and below. PCI is calculated by taking the total household income and dividing by the number of people living in the house. Total household income includes income of all family members living in the same household as the applicant.
  • Who should I contact if I have other enquiries on financial assistance?
    You may contact our Welfare Aid Department at 6746 5729 during office hours (Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm). Alternatively, you can drop us an email at and our officers will get in touch with you.
  • Do you provide financial assistance to students?
    Yes, we provide financial assistance for Primary & Secondary school students. Tertiary students may apply for our Bursary & Scholarship at
  • I am a social worker. How do I refer my clients to you?
    You may drop us an email at Kindly attached the client’s social report and contact details for us to access the client’s financial situation.
  • I would like to apply for financial assistance. What should I do?
    You may contact our Welfare Aid Department at 6746 5729 from Monday to Friday at 9am to 5pm for them to assist you with the application. Alternatively, you can drop us an email at and our officers will get in touch with you.
  • How will the financial assistance be paid?
    Financial assistance will be paid via Bank Transfer or PayNow.
  • What documents will be required for the application of financial assistance?
    Kindly refer to the link below for the required documents: 1. List Of Documents Required 2. Submission Guideline
  • What assistance does MTFA provide?
    MTFA provides cash assistance given on a bi-monthly basis as well as Fidyah groceries voucher for selected families.
  • Who can apply for the Bursary awards?
    Muslim Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident. Full-time students in any public or private learning institutions* Family Per Capita Income (PCI) not exceeding $600. PCI is calculated by taking the total household income and dividing by the number of people living in the house. *Tertiary students who are graduating in 2023 are not eligible.
  • Is there a bond I need to fulfil?
    Bursary recipients are not required to serve any bond. However, you are strongly encouraged to volunteer for any events organised by MTFA or Darul Ihsan Orphanages.
  • What are the required documents?
    Click this link for the full checklist: Document Checklist for Bursary
  • How do I submit the supporting documents?
    We accept documents in .pdf, .jpeg and .jpg format.
  • How and when will I be informed of my application status?
    You will be notified of your outcome status via email. For Primary, Secondary and Special Education students, you will be informed of the outcome by the end of March 2024. For ITE, Diploma, IB and Pre-U applicants, dates to be confirmed. For University applicants, dates to be confirmed. Any changes to the information will be shared separately via email.
  • Are we allowed to apply for Bursary if we have already applied for other bursaries (e.g. MOE Bursary)?
    Yes, you are allowed to apply for the Bursary by MTFA even when you have applied for other bursaries. However, you will need to declare in the application form.
  • When is the application period for 2025?
    Primary & Secondary: TBC ITE, Diploma, A-Level and Pre-U: 1 May 2025 to 31 May 2025 University: 1 July 2025 - 31 July 2025
  • I have some general enquiries on the Bursary and Scholarship by MTFA
    You may speak directly to our officers by writing in to or call 6746 5729 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).
  • What is the value of the award?
    The award value for successful applicants is as follows: ● Primary, Secondary & Special Education: o $105 each student, every quarter (Primary Level) o $126 each student, every quarter (Secondary Level) ● ITE, Diploma, IB & Pre-U students o $1,000 each student, per year ● University students o $2,000 each student, per year.
  • Is there a bond I need to fulfill?
    Successful recipients are required to complete 10 hours of service to MTFA or MTFA Darul Ihsan Orphanages. More details will be provided later.
  • When is the application period for 2025?
    The Founders' Scholarship application will be open from 1 July 2025 - 31 July 2025
  • I have some general questions on the Bursary and Scholarship by MTFA
    You may speak directly to our officers by writing in to or call 6746 5729 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).
  • What are the required documents?
    Click this link for the full checklist: Document Checklist for Scholarship
  • How and when will I be informed of my application status?
    You will be notified of your outcome status via email by end of September 2023.
  • When will the Award Ceremony be held?
    The Award Ceremony is only applicable for successful Scholarship applicants. More details will be given on a later date.
  • Who can apply for the Founders' Scholarship?
    Muslim Singapore citizen Full time student in universities based in Singapore or abroad Outstanding academic achievements Excellent co-curricular activities record Strong leadership qualities and potential Passion to contribute to Singapore’s Muslim community *Students who are graduating in 2023 are not eligible. **Applicants who have applied for the Bursary by MTFA are not eligible to apply for the Founders' Scholarship.
  • How is Ihsan Casket different from other entities providing funeral services?
    Did you know? Ihsan Casket is a social enterprise by MTFA, offering affordable Islamic funeral services to support the ummah. Each time you engage Ihsan Casket, you are sponsoring the FREE burial of other Muslims in need. To know more about the FREE burial, visit the FAQs on Burial.
  • How can I arrange for a funeral service or placenta collection?
    Kindly call or WhatsApp us directly at 3138 4022 (24h hotline) for further discussion. Please note that the collection of placenta can only be done during office hours.
  • How can I register for Ihsan Casket's courses?
    Kindly register on our website: Full details of the upcoming course(s) will be on the webpage.
  • What is included in Ihsan Casket's funeral package?
    Our $1,500 NETT package is inclusive of: 1. Professional equipment, accessories, and qualified personnel to carry out the showering of the deceased 2. Imam to lead the funeral prayers, talqin and to provide an advisory role for funeral rites in accordance to Islamic beliefs 3. Carpet grass, ceramic name plaque and temporary tombstone 4. Burial permits and all paperwork done by us 5. Fully equipped casket van 6. Passenger bus or minibus for your attendees (upon request)
  • I have some general enquiries on Ihsan Casket. Who do I contact?
    You may drop a message on our website at or call/WhatsApp our Ihsan Casket team directly at 3138 4022.
  • What are the documents needed to apply for the burial services?
    For social worker: Death certificate and social report For individual: Death certificate and financial assistance letter
  • How can I apply for the free/pro-bono burial services?
    Kindly click on the links below and attached the required documents on it: 1. Burial Form B - for Social Workers 2. Burial Form C - for Individuals
  • What are the requirements for the free/pro-bono burial services?
    You can apply if the person you know... 1. Is a Muslim Singaporean/PR who passed away in Singapore 2. Has no next-of-kin/claimant OR has a next-of-kin who is unable to pay for the burial
  • How do I apply for a position in MTFA?
    You may submit your resume and cover letter to us via email at (Attention to: MTFA HR Department). We will reply to your email within 3-5 working days.
  • How will I be contacted for an interview?
    Our HR representative will contact you via phone or email regarding the next steps of the interview process.
  • How will I know if I am selected or invited for an interview?
    We regret to inform you that only shortlisted candidates will be notified and invited for an interview.
  • Is my donation tax-deductible?
    Yes, all outright cash donations to Darul Ihsan Orphanage (IPC Status) that do not give material benefit to the donor are fully tax-deductible. Please note that you do not need to submit your tax-deductible donation receipt to IRAS when filing your annual Income tax assessment as the charity will do the submission on your behalf. Your NRIC/FIN or Company Registration number must be provided.
  • Can I make a donation via GIRO?
    Yes, you may. Simply download the form at our website > Donate/Pay Zakat. Fill up the form, sign and send the original copy to us.
  • How long does GIRO take to process?
    Processing will take about 2-3 weeks before the donation can be deducted from the donor’s bank account. We will advise you of the actual date when the first GIRO deduction will be made.
  • How do I cancel my GIRO donation?
    You will have to inform your bank to terminate your GIRO arrangement with them. Once we receive the instruction from your bank, we will then cease the monthly deduction.
  • Can I refund my donation?
    1. Donations are normally non-refundable. However, if you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to our organization, write-in to us at to inform us of the error or changes within 30 days. Otherwise, no refund will be issued. 2. Kindly provide us the donation details (Receipt No., Name of donor, amount donated, date of donation and mode of payment). 3. Donations can only be refunded to the same donor/account. 4. Refunds will go through the normal approval process and payment will be done via bank transfer or PayNow. However, if the donation was made via credit card, the refund will be credited back to that same credit card account. A request must be put up through your credit card’s issuing bank.
  • I accidentally tick the monthly subscription when I made an online donation to MTFA. What should I do to cancel my subscription via Credit Card?
    Drop us an email at to inform us that you want to cancel your subscription. We will do the cancellation of the subscription for you.

"Ihsan is our responsibility to pursue perfection, and showing it in both deed and action, while helping those in need."

Our team will disburse monthly cash assistance to our beneficiaries from underprivileged families once every two months. To be eligible for this assistance, the PCI of the family must be <$400/month. 

Financial Aid

Held annually, our bursary and scholarship award ceremony aims to alleviate the lives of the younger generation who have been performing well in their tertiary institutes.

Bursary & Scholarship

Usually, with the support of our volunteers, we host events like Eid with Ihsan, the Asyura campaign, and others each year. Each driven by a unique purpose, we hope to bring joy to our beneficiaries.

Other Campaigns

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